Catronian Achpilago is easy in acces. First create an account at the Kitely website , create your avatar.
Download the firestorm viewer for OS. In the viewer, enter this URL in the " find" tab in the world map: Archipelago. You can also use the " explore worlds" option on the main page of Kitely's website.
Activities on the sims
You can sail the historical ships .
Sail virtually! Captain a galleon, frigate, or sloop. Board historic ships, navigate by compass, fire guns, and sink foes. Master ship habits, wind, and sea obstacles to excel. Visit the nautical centre via teleporter at the landing point.
Enjoy exploring all islands.
Every island holds secrets and stories. Discover treasures and hidden information. Join the gemstone hunt and win a prize by solving the riddle stone.
Roleplaying and free houses to make a home:
Be a pirate, smuggler, Navy officer, fisherman, or landlubber in late 18th-century Northern Europe. Own a house or even an island. Dress your avatar in theme with free items from city shops. Cities offer everything for roleplaying: pubs to dance or hang out, grocery shops, theatres for events, banks with role-play money, and shipyards to buy ships. New residents of Catronian Archipelago get free furniture, a simple sloop for sailing, and a personal sign for their house.

Sailing in the virtual, how does that work?
We host sailing battles on our sims using ships from the golden age of sail. Watch video tutorials and manuals online to learn navigation. It’s exciting to master sailing, wind, and cannon aiming! See how battles work here: Tutorial for ships used in Catronia's battles. We created a ship in a rezzer at the sailing docks for anyone to learn and test without owning one. Use the "walk through for sailing school" teleporter at the landing point to reach it.
Another video to watch how sailing races are organized: Impression of a sailing battle.
Buy your own ship here online: Ships and merchandise

About the ships!
For our role-play, we developed various ships based on authentic builds from the golden age of sail. These ships can sink others using cannons, take damage, catch fire, and sink, or go down if they hit the ground. Players use a navigation and gunning system visible on the screen (HUD). Ships rely on wind, behave like real sailing vessels, can get into irons, and require tacking to maintain speed. Sailing involves a learning curve. During battles, different ship types are used, each with unique handling. Below are the ships: Nitty: gunboat, Smuggler and Statenjacht: sloop, Duyfken: jacht, Sea Eagle: frigate, Batavia: galleon. For detailed sailing behavior, see the technical info below the pictures.

Technical information for captains:
Niitti gunboat: HP: 15 Max Speed: 15 knots Armament: 1 bow cannon This nimble and compact ship is built for speed and agility. Its small size makes it difficult to hit, even in heated battles. However, be cautious—damage to the sails will reduce its speed. It's particularly effective for targeting the sterns of larger ships, especially those lacking stern cannons. Note: No gunner option available. Builder: Okwaho Euler | Scripter: Christine Nyn
Smuggler and Statenjacht Utrecht: Mid-class ships, known as sloops, are versatile and agile vessels. With a maximum HP of 20 and a top speed of 15 knots, these ships are built for swift movement and quick maneuvers. Armed with six broadside cannons, two bow cannons, and two stern cannons, they deliver firepower from every angle, making them a formidable presence in FFA (Free For All) battles. Their speed and turning capabilities make them incredibly dangerous, but damaged sails can significantly reduce their performance. Operated by a crew of two gunners, these ships strike a perfect balance between firepower and agility. Designed by Trouble Ahead and scripted by Christine Nyn, these ships are a favorite choice for high-intensity naval combat.
Duyfken jacht: HP: 35 | Max Speed: 10 knots. Equipped with 8 broadside cannons and 2 stern cannons. No bow cannons available. This vessel is a Jacht—larger than mid-class ships but smaller than tall ships. Its speed decreases as the sails sustain damage. Crew: 2 gunners. Special Feature: The ship can deploy explosive barrels into the sea or onto enemy ships. These barrels detonate upon impact and remain afloat for 30 seconds. Builder: Trouble Ahead | Scripter: Christine Nyn.
Sea eagle frigate: HP 40 | Max Speed: 15 knots | 22 Broadside Cannons No bow or stern cannons. Speed decreases when sails are damaged. This swift and formidable tall ship is built for war, making it a powerful asset in naval battles. Armed with 22 broadside cannons and manned by two skilled gunners, it dominates the seas with both speed and firepower. Special Feature: When moored, the ship deploys a cozy cabin complete with a bed, table, and even a small cage for holding prisoners. Crafted by: Trouble Ahead | Scripted by: Christine Nyn
VOC Batavia galleon: HP: 40 | Max Speed: 8 knots Equipped with 18 broadside cannons: 6 on the lower deck and 3 on the upper deck. No cannons are mounted at the bow or stern. Unique Features: - The ship accommodates four gunners: two on the upper deck and two on the lower deck. - When gunners occupy the lower deck, a special hull window opens, providing enhanced visibility and improved aiming during battles. - While moored, the ship rezzes a captain’s cabin, complete with a bed, writing desk, and decorative furniture for added ambiance and comfort. Builder: Trouble Ahead Scripter: Christine Nyn
Buy your own ship here online: Ships and merchandise

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