

-This estate is made for sailing and roleplay, themed Euro end 17 beginning 18 th century
-Visitors are welcome to rezz ships and sail.
-Themed clothes not required , but recommended in roleplay
-Free houses : 500 prims max.
-Outdoor decorations need to be in theme.
-Residents who own a house have the right to moor ships at the dock. Ships need to be themed. Modern vehicles can be used but never moored permanently
-Heavy scripted objects causing lag will be returned.
-Forbidden to use particle rezzers that make viewers lag
-Historical accuracy is recommended but not strictly required.
-Fantasy avatars, dinkies, furries , animal avatars and teen and child avatars allowed (Kitely convenant)
-Grievers and harassers will be reported and banned. Management decides.

-During events only participating ships may sail.  All other ships must be docked.

-No mega prims allowed nor off sim structures other then builds made by the management.
-Skyboxes are allowed over 500 meters.
-No security orbs of any kind allowed and no ban lines. Privacy can be given in land options by estate manager.
-Moderate world. No adult and extreme violence play allowed in public.
-All activities that are political motivated or show discrimination and humiliation of any kind are forbidden.

Estate managers: Cata Raven, Trouble Ahead, Snoots Dwagon, Melanie Auxifur

Founders/ owners: Cata Raven, Trouble Ahead

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